Clint Pichon, President Windward Technology

When seeking IT consulting in San Diego, it is important that you make sure that the company you use has experience in dealing with a business such as yours. Windward Technology of San Diego has years of experience in working with companies both small and large, helping make sure that their choice for IT services is the best for their business.

For the best and most effective IT consulting, here are some important factors we take into consideration before making suggestions:

  • Time: Does this need to be improved right now, or is it something to be addressed a year or so down the road. Knowing the time constraints is key in making suggestions.
  • Budget: Of course budget plays an important role in decision making. If we offer a solution that does not fit within your budget, it's not likely that you will go with the solution, no matter how good it may sound. Our solutions must be both good for your business and financially feasible.
  • Options: Since it's rare for something to have only one way to be done, we consider all options and offer the best to clients.
  • Political considerations: Are there any considerations in your company that we should be aware of? This is important because it can also affect suggestions and decision making. For example, there may be a company where the owner chose the first IT system, but now the IT manager has decided to swap it. There can be great difficulty in getting a change for a situation like this.
  • Ease of implementation: This factor certainly varies from site to site. Consideration of ease of implementation is a key part of the IT equation.

If you are looking to get IT consulting help in San Diego, give Windward Technology a call. Your San Diego area business will be in good hands, thanks to a highly trained staff with tools and experience to help your company usher in a great future. Windward Technology works to make sure you have reliable protection and support for your IT system, addressing common issues when necessary.